WhatsGAG? - 9GAG to WhatsApp

- FAQ -

How is this site affilated with Whatsapp or 9gag?

Not at all. This page is not affilated in any way. It simple here to give 9gag Users the option to share
videos from 9gag to friends or contacts in Whatsapp.

How to use this page?

Simply enter an url/link from 9gag which has a video shown and click on "Convert".
The page just looks up the video source and provides you a way to download it.
After that you can just use it as any video on your phone and share it.

Where are all the vidoes on the page come form?

Actually from you as a user and originally form 9gag and there users.
The pages keeps track of the converted videos and shows them on the page.
This results also in the "problem" that some videos are not shown anymore,
simply cause they are no longer on 9gag.

Are my inputs logged?

We are not collecting user specific data (such as IP and so on) on the site or our server directly.
Your input is only saved if it is a valid 9gag video, without any personal data.
The website is using Google Analytics which collects data for web statistics. See also Data Privacy.